Email marketing innovations you can use today

With so much email hitting our inboxes every day, how can you stand out from the crowd? Check out these 3 innovations that marketers are using this year.

by | May 1, 2017

Email marketing innovation

Email continues to be the top-rated channel available to reach and engage target audiences. It out-performs TV, social media, print, radio and every other channel to actually get your target audience to take action.

The problem is that everyone knows it, which means marketers from Donald Trump to Apple are sending more email. So how can you make your emails stand out from the crowd?

Econsultancy and Adestra recently asked over 500 top marketers in the UK how they plan to innovate with email in 2017. Here’s the top innovations those marketers plan to use:

  1. More creative uses of behavioral triggers
  2. Greater use of dynamic elements (video content, GIFs, countdown clocks etc.)
  3. Using automation to enable one-to-one communication

The message is clear: email should be personal, creative and engaging. Technology today enables you to make email more personalized than ever. Just check out what you can do with ContactDrive’s marketing automation features.

As far as making email more creative — that’s up to you! What sort of email would you want to get in your inbox? NewsCred, one of our favorite content marketing companies, has some great insights on their blog.

Want to leverage email, sms, mail and good old fashioned phone calls to build better relationships with your target audience? Check out ContactDrive with a free 14-day trial.